Promote Healthier Lifestyles

Promote healthier lifestyles and reduced risks for your employees with health literacy materials for the Employer market

Motivate your employees to make healthy lifestyle changes with effective, easy-to-read Krames Patient Education. Provide engaging, motivating tools that:

  • Build awareness of health risks
  • Motivate healthy lifestyles
  • Reach high-risk/high utilization populations
  • Teach self-management, home care for chronic diseases
  • Build awareness of safety and injury risks

We have the tools to do all that, and more.

FastGuides Health and Wellness Tools

FastGuides® health and wellness tools promote behavior change and healthy lifestyle choices

Our durable, reader-friendly FastGuides are perfect for mail-based initiatives (they fit into a standard business envelope). Quick-scan bulleted lists increase comprehension. Topics cover health and wellness and disease management information including:

  • Smoking cessation
  • Better food choices
  • Weight management
  • Becoming more active

Check out our titles for the following topics:

Krames Health Education can help you communicate the information your employees need in a way that they’ll best understand. Check out the categories below and start shopping now for easy-to-read health education that engages and motivates, increases health literacy and promotes better outcomes.

For additional specialties, check the drop-down menu at the top of the page.

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