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Krames is not only committed to providing the latest information on neurological conditions and treatment instructions, we are also dedicated to educating the caregivers of these patients. You will find a selection of patient education materials covering topics like brain tumors, headaches and how to manage them or prevent them. Also, learn how to manage or prevent stroke and find information on recovery after a stroke.

Inform patients before procedures and tests to help eliminate stress and uncertainty. View patient education materials covering topics like craniotomies that explain the procedure, recovery, and when it may be necessary. Your patients can also learn about tests like Electromyography and Nerve Conduction Studies or EMG and NCS tests. Present them with preparation instructions, what to expect, questions to ask and tips for best results.

Finally, build your relationship with not only your patients, but their caregivers as well with informational booklets, pamphlets and fact sheets. These materials mention how to take care of your patients who may have suffered a brain aneurysm or dementia. They will learn about the condition, surgery, patient care and rehabilitation in a supportive manner.

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